Sunday, April 11, 2010


So it all started with this...
HABITAT-Goodwin (Above) / RESTING-Piccinini (Below)

And with a little development, became this...

This is the interior of Piccinini's Studio space. 'Resting' can be interpreted as having to do with peace, and in this case the open spaces, curved & flowing stairs, and natural material (stone) are representative of this sense of peace. 'Resting' can also connote tiredness or age: another reason for the natural materials. Nature can be seen as patient and of a much greater age than impatient and short-lasting artificial materials. Note the natural light creating art of its own.

This shot of the stairs shows an application of a custom texture, as well as the stair tread changing from opaque to more transparent glass, to represent the transition in bringing the surreal, creative piece, into the tangible real-world gallery space.

Interior of Goodwin's studio. The dome-like roofing subtly invokes a burrow, or similar natural occurring Habitat; and the flowing, organic shapes create a sense of habitat or homeliness - more than sharp edges could. The main glass window, a source of natural light, is an application of a custom texture to represent "transparent". Timber is used as flooring, to retain the organic motif; while moulded steel and concrete act as the roof and exterior support - as a representation of the way Goodwin's art is interested in architecture.

Exterior of Goodwin's studio w/ Gallery space. The organic theme continues, with a third custom texture applied, as well as timber, to most of the ant-hill-like exterior. The open-air gallery as the datum line also acts as a mediator between the two enclosed-space studios. As with Piccinini's stair, Goodwin's contains a transitioning strategy, with each step becoming more abstract and oddly geometrical; just as Goodwin's art tends to blur the line between architecture and art.

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